Steve Blank – The Art of Entrepreneurship

Today’s guest is Steve Blank, an Adjunct Professor at Stanford University. Steve is widely regarded as the father of modern entrepreneurship. Prior to academia, Steve’s career spanned eight different startups.

Credited with launching the Lean Startup movement and the curriculums for the National Science Foundation Innovation Corps and Hacking for Defense and Diplomacy, he’s changed how startups are built; how entrepreneurship is taught; how science is commercialized, and how companies and the government innovate.

Steve is also the renowned author of The Four Steps to the Epiphany and The Startup Owner’s Manual. 

Steve blogs at

In this episode, we dive into:

  • How Steve made his way into the world of startups and Silicon Valley and how that led to his creation of “The Lean Startup Movement”
  • The differences between large corporations and startups
  • How founders can transition to CEOs

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